I updated through the Itch launcher and now hitting launch just opens the game folder and I'm not sure what item to click on in the folder that would launch it from there.
Not sure I understand it correctly as I haven't heard of the Itch Launcher yet. If you are in the game folder, you will have to click the Gomamon Trainer named application. Should show a Gomamon pixel symbol too I think. I hope this helps.
Sounds like a browser related issue. Some people have it. It does run on Firefox though, I can attest to that. If push comes to shove, go for the download. That should run smoothly. ^^
That must be because I cut out the "phone" folder on it. It was something I had to do for the Browser version as a game is only allowed to have 1,000 files and I was exceeding that and barely managed to get under it. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Chances are this will be the last version that can be played in a browser here. >.<
I made a comment a little further down but if you're on android then get the app "Joiplay" from the play store, then search the play store for "joiplay ren'py" and get the plug-in. Download the win version of gomamon trainer to your android device and extract the files somewhere you can access when adding a game in joiplay. Select the .exe or .py file in the extracted files and name it something fitting, version info and such is optional. If all went according to plan it should work fine. I'm fairly certain I've cleared all content in latest version with no issues. Joiplay is handy.
Would be cool, if the Digimon would EVOLVE with each load it's injected with and get stronger, too...maybe open up more (smutty) ways to interact (let him top even when "big" ;-P )
Maybe a problem with Chromium then? I am on Firefox and it works fine for me, which is why I am sadly not sure what the problem is. Try a different browser and I hope there won't be any problems anymore then. ^^
Awesome, ask and recieve. Gonna try the new version now. Not at home so gonna test the pc version on joiplay. I've gotten good results in the past.
EDIT: works on joiplay so far.
Still quite a few scenes with no accompanying artwork but damn am I hyped to see the visuals for what I've been reading (Gomasphere sounds neat, lol) I've gotten the "lover slut", "hidden lover slut", "neutral", "slave slut", and "hidden slave slut" endings, I've also gotten both outfits for their respective routes (I assume you can't get nurse on "evil" or slut on "love"). Is there any hope for a Gallery once all the images are in or is making backup saves for everything expected to be part of the fun? I'm fine either way but the addition of a gallery/replay scene/achievements menu to show that you still have fun to unlock certainly would be convenient.
Gallery...not sure. It would probably be a lot of extra work and could be easily solved by players simply having save files. It is something I will ponder on. But I won't make any promises.
If you were playing on 0.48 until now, then yes. Refreshing the page should be enough to give you the new one. ^^ Sadly no art for the outfit scene yet though.
Dang, finished this a couple months ago. Was hoping there'd be another update. Looks like there should be another update soon, is that the final version update or should there be an expectation for more waiting? Really like this one, and if I'm not mistaken I recognize you from Fimfiction where I really liked your work there.
I do write on Fimfiction. ^^ Next update simply is some art and the rest of the writing. So afterwards there will be more builds, but those will be all about art additions as the story is finished. Will take a good while for the art to be filled up.
Anyway, update is this week. Working on the last bit I want in currently. Maybe in a day there is an update. Will have to see how I manage.
Ah, good to know. Do you have any plans for future projects or is this a one and done deal? Your writing works really well for me and you fill a niche (dominant human male/ intelligent feral) that I've been having problems finding games for. Your FimFiction stories involving avians were my main interests (cloacas are hot) so I'd love to see if you'd tackle a human male/avian of some kind story/game. Best of luck on your end. As someone that's been waiting 3 years for Teraurge to go anywhere I've become very patient, lol.
There will be more, albeit the next project will be anthro. A Palmon Trainer will follow in any case in the future still. I imagine in Palmon Trainer one could have an optional scene to fuck Biyomon. But like I said, that is for the future. ^^
I salute you for your efforts and while I'm not as interested in anthro it's not outside my interests and with your writing attached, I'm definitely gonna have to check it out. Now on the next Digi trainer, I am ecstatic. I'm definitely gonna have to exercise that patience, lol.
Palmon Trainer was actually the first game in development, but was then postponed as it was too big in scale. I have a very early prototype of it that doesn't have much to it. Simply Prologue. Something I will come back to in the future like I said, but Gomamon Trainer was simply better for a first project in the end. ^^
Misunderstood. And to be fair, it is something that is hard to miss. It is about still going for the consensual route, but without cumming inside. So, Clawjob? Nope. Cum outside. Again Clawjob? Outside. Oh look! A new scene unlook! But do it outside! =3
Afterwards you get it. The scene is even illustrated. Well, not in this build yet, but it will be if you wait for the end of the week. ^^ The scene is already in the game I am working on, but I have to tinker on the Epilogues before I can think on publishing it.
LEGIT Waaaaaay Better than I expected. If you like your Erogames with a side of story this is for you. This is not a just a "Hit it and quit it" type of game. The writing is what sets this game apart. Played through a good chunk of the game. The writing for the "Scenes" is A-tier. it's apparent that the writer took a great deal of time and thought into describing the scenes and coming up with some very "interesting" things you can do with an aquatic based creature, the flow of the writing is very good. I'm admittedly a bit of a writing snob, and most of the times scrip based games are derivative. So consequentially they don't usually do anything for me. This isn't the case with this game. The game only feels slightly grindy if you don't read the "how to", and fumble through it like I originally did, and has a moderate level of replayability. There are instances that that present you with choices, and while not changing the overall story too much (in my experience so far) the decision leads to drastically different results for that instance and they dont really repeat in the course of the story, and I find myself wanting to go back and see how my other choices would've played out. Because sometime the game rewards you for being nice, and sometimes for naughty even if you're going down down a specific route you might miss something if you go hard into one route, encouraging you to deviate a bit. your relationship progresses caps with where you are in the story so it encourages you to actually take your time and go through the story, I'm really glad I took a chance on this game, I'd honestly recommend others give it a shot too. And I would be exited to see more works from this creator.
Glad I did include the "How to" segment then as it helped out. ^^ Different choices in any case can lead the different scenes mostly indeed. Overall there will be different Epilogues respectively to at least have some simple differences between the different bar values, but also for unlocking things, like the 3 Secret Scenes on the Lover Slut Route which do lead to a Hidden Ending.
The first secret, the Bodyjob Art, will be released in the new build which will drop in a few days/next week. Approximately. Bodyjob is getting close to completion and I still have a few Epilogue SFW pictures to make. It will be updated and announced when it is ready. =3
You do that with unlocking Firewalls. You unlock Firewalls with the Explore button. You unlock the Explore button with Idle Chit Chat. So, first chat a bit and then progress. ^^
Will there be an option for a female Gomamon? Not that I don't appreciate an obedient little male Gomamon as much as the next guy, but I would really like the option for both. Very cute Gomamon by the way.
Thanks. Glad you like it. =3 As for your question.
It is not a possibility for this. Alone because the entire game text would need to be rewritten as well as art that would need to be done as well. Though after the game is done I will post the source file, so if anyone wants to do it, they could. ^^
It is a big one. As Bodyjob art takes a bit longer I decided to already implement the Finale/Epilogues. Means for me, several BGs need to be drawn as well as a few other things. So lots of work. Not sure I can manage it to the End of July, but it is something I will have to see. In any case I hope you will like the update once it is ready. ^^
I always try to go the most kind route in these things hehe. The harassment tab....feels agressive to me >w<
Alright I gotta edit this comment cause WOW did I post prematurely. This is an incredibly excellently written game with super sexy art and a lot of nuance! I love how the more time you bond with gomamon, the more you get comfortable with each other, and how can unlock new paths or cutscenes. Was so caught off guard when doing nothing lead to a cutscene because arrousal was high. Those kinds of secrets are awesome. Really can’t wait to see this project completed ^w^
Writing is completed and will be fully in with the next update. I am only doing some minor SFW art here and there to enhance the experience with it. Art itself will take a bit though as there is much to be illustrated. ^^ I wanted to have an update out last month, but looks like it might be the start of August until it is ready or later as I am waiting for some NSFW art as well.
In any case I am glad you enjoy it. The Arousal scene is a nice touch, albeit may it be one that is a pretty lonely scene as the Arousal stat isn't used for anything else. Something I probably should I have planned better in hindsight. Though the real heart piece of the game could be said to be the Hidden Scenes for the Lover Slut Route. Three in total and one before each Firewall. First one activated by not cumming inside Gomamon repeatedly and being a tad selfish. I tried to drop hints in Idle Chit Chat for those, but even those hints might be easily overlooked. I do hope you will have a lot of fun in the future with this game as well! =3
yeah I was wondering about that. I keep getting to the end where the text says something like “maybe if I saved him the first two times we’d be closer” or something. I’m a little confused. IS there a way to save him the first time?? Cause I couldn’t find it.
also there’s just comments about having a “heart to heart” and how I’m not as close as I could be. Also a little confused about that hint.
Just so we are clear, I have unlocked both “boy pounding pussy and boy pounding slit. Just curious if there’s other “secret scenes” you’re talking about.
The end, end? Red Firewall? Trying to save him counts too with the Elecmon and you need the two prior two scenes that need to be unlocked too. Well, that and you need to have reached the red Firewall to trigger the last one. A lot of conditions, but that is why it is the path to the Hidden Ending. ^^ Pounding Boypussy and Pounding Slit are normal scenes on the other hand that are unlocked without hints.
And I am confused by your confusion. xD Problems with the Browser version? I think it says something like that? Strangely enough it doesn't work out for some people. An active VPN seems to cause troubles sometimes if that helps.
well i'm using which ever browser the desktop itch app uses, presumable that's some kind of chromium derivative (they almost all are) but i normally use firefox which is full up to date. and i don't have a vpn, there really isn't much reason for me to have one because i run a website anyways so my IP address is kind of out there anyways.
i have idea : when open the fire wall 3 you go with Gomamon to any where like he is home but you find impmon in way so you have to stay with Gomamon or impmon and who you go with him you can do every think . that all .
That would be rather random. xD Wouldn't make sense to suddenly have a choice pop up at the very end, offering a Digimon that was never mentioned and seen before. So it would create issues. Not to say that Impmon isn't fuckable, because he is. =3
I got enough game ideas and don't think I will go for an Impmon game. Not to say, you or others can't do it. After this game is complete, with art an all, I will publish the source code, so everyone can use it as a template for whatever shenanigans that are desired. Replacing Gomamon with another Digimon included. Though the code might be a bit messy as I am an amateur, so can't say for sure how helpfull it would be. ^^
Will you be making an android port? I enjoyed the bit of gameplay you can get before crashing on the browser but it doesnt last much longer then 10 minutes.
i have 2 questions, 1 is their a way to get the first love lock unlocked cause it doesnt seem like its letting me, 2 is their a way to save him from getting taken advantage of by the red digimon cause i kinda want to not let that happen
There is no way to fend off the Elecmon. You can only ignore the scene after failing to help him. The first Firewall and progress happens after you cum inside of him once. Before you can cum inside of him, you have to go back to the Firewall once more. And after you have cum inside of him you have to get back to the Firewall.
Scenes aren't implemented it, though the last one would need 5 Human Essence if I remember it correctly. But like I said, no scene there, so it is no use yet.
Probably middle of June. Maybe a bit later. The scenes for the Finale aren't fully written yet and won't be ready for the next Update. Art for it won't be ready for it either as there will be many smut scenes for the Finale and Epilogues. So, it will all take time.
There hasn't been a new update yet. This build is many months old. Though I am sorry to hear you are having problems there. I have to say that I can't read that error message though. I hope that at least the browser version works for you.
I hope it works by now. I honestly am just confused by c: and d: and how that would influence a game. A new build is hopefully there soon. Only Bodyjob art is missing for the new build.
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I updated through the Itch launcher and now hitting launch just opens the game folder and I'm not sure what item to click on in the folder that would launch it from there.
Not sure I understand it correctly as I haven't heard of the Itch Launcher yet. If you are in the game folder, you will have to click the Gomamon Trainer named application. Should show a Gomamon pixel symbol too I think. I hope this helps.
You can see it if you go to itch.io/app
This is what the inside of the folder looks like.
Same here (¯▿¯;)
wont load, im on bing (dont judge me k?) and it keeps saying script error as soon as I press a button on the main menu
Sounds like a browser related issue. Some people have it. It does run on Firefox though, I can attest to that. If push comes to shove, go for the download. That should run smoothly. ^^
will there be a gallery mode or sth?
Currently focusing on getting the art in first as well as focus on the next project. I am not sure if I will go for a gallery mode yet.
Is making an android version possible? In the previous version it worked fine on android but now it gets an error every time you start the game
That must be because I cut out the "phone" folder on it. It was something I had to do for the Browser version as a game is only allowed to have 1,000 files and I was exceeding that and barely managed to get under it. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Chances are this will be the last version that can be played in a browser here. >.<
I just wanted to ask if making a downloadable version for android is possible
I made a comment a little further down but if you're on android then get the app "Joiplay" from the play store, then search the play store for "joiplay ren'py" and get the plug-in. Download the win version of gomamon trainer to your android device and extract the files somewhere you can access when adding a game in joiplay. Select the .exe or .py file in the extracted files and name it something fitting, version info and such is optional. If all went according to plan it should work fine. I'm fairly certain I've cleared all content in latest version with no issues. Joiplay is handy.
Doesnt work for all androids. Mine never works with it. Has to be apk or nothing.
Would be cool, if the Digimon would EVOLVE with each load it's injected with and get stronger, too...maybe open up more (smutty) ways to interact (let him top even when "big" ;-P )
yaaaaaaay i can not wait to see every thing new :) <3
can't believe I forgot to rate this gem of a game all that time ago
It happens to the best of us. =3 Thanks for the rating!
Web version of the latest release fails to function in Chromium citing “script error”, but the download version still works fine.
Maybe a problem with Chromium then? I am on Firefox and it works fine for me, which is why I am sadly not sure what the problem is. Try a different browser and I hope there won't be any problems anymore then. ^^
Hm...It works on Firefox for me. Try a different browser, or if you have VPN, turn it off as it can interfere with it. Hope that helps. ^^
Awesome, ask and recieve. Gonna try the new version now. Not at home so gonna test the pc version on joiplay. I've gotten good results in the past.
EDIT: works on joiplay so far.
Still quite a few scenes with no accompanying artwork but damn am I hyped to see the visuals for what I've been reading (Gomasphere sounds neat, lol) I've gotten the "lover slut", "hidden lover slut", "neutral", "slave slut", and "hidden slave slut" endings, I've also gotten both outfits for their respective routes (I assume you can't get nurse on "evil" or slut on "love"). Is there any hope for a Gallery once all the images are in or is making backup saves for everything expected to be part of the fun? I'm fine either way but the addition of a gallery/replay scene/achievements menu to show that you still have fun to unlock certainly would be convenient.
Huh. Looks like I overlooked your message.
Gallery...not sure. It would probably be a lot of extra work and could be easily solved by players simply having save files. It is something I will ponder on. But I won't make any promises.
Yes! Probably need to restart to get the outfit huh?
If you were playing on 0.48 until now, then yes. Refreshing the page should be enough to give you the new one. ^^ Sadly no art for the outfit scene yet though.
Dang, finished this a couple months ago. Was hoping there'd be another update. Looks like there should be another update soon, is that the final version update or should there be an expectation for more waiting? Really like this one, and if I'm not mistaken I recognize you from Fimfiction where I really liked your work there.
I do write on Fimfiction. ^^ Next update simply is some art and the rest of the writing. So afterwards there will be more builds, but those will be all about art additions as the story is finished. Will take a good while for the art to be filled up.
Anyway, update is this week. Working on the last bit I want in currently. Maybe in a day there is an update. Will have to see how I manage.
Ah, good to know. Do you have any plans for future projects or is this a one and done deal? Your writing works really well for me and you fill a niche (dominant human male/ intelligent feral) that I've been having problems finding games for. Your FimFiction stories involving avians were my main interests (cloacas are hot) so I'd love to see if you'd tackle a human male/avian of some kind story/game. Best of luck on your end. As someone that's been waiting 3 years for Teraurge to go anywhere I've become very patient, lol.
There will be more, albeit the next project will be anthro. A Palmon Trainer will follow in any case in the future still. I imagine in Palmon Trainer one could have an optional scene to fuck Biyomon. But like I said, that is for the future. ^^
I salute you for your efforts and while I'm not as interested in anthro it's not outside my interests and with your writing attached, I'm definitely gonna have to check it out. Now on the next Digi trainer, I am ecstatic. I'm definitely gonna have to exercise that patience, lol.
Palmon Trainer was actually the first game in development, but was then postponed as it was too big in scale. I have a very early prototype of it that doesn't have much to it. Simply Prologue. Something I will come back to in the future like I said, but Gomamon Trainer was simply better for a first project in the end. ^^
Misunderstood. And to be fair, it is something that is hard to miss. It is about still going for the consensual route, but without cumming inside. So, Clawjob? Nope. Cum outside. Again Clawjob? Outside. Oh look! A new scene unlook! But do it outside! =3
Afterwards you get it. The scene is even illustrated. Well, not in this build yet, but it will be if you wait for the end of the week. ^^ The scene is already in the game I am working on, but I have to tinker on the Epilogues before I can think on publishing it.
LEGIT Waaaaaay Better than I expected. If you like your Erogames with a side of story this is for you. This is not a just a "Hit it and quit it" type of game. The writing is what sets this game apart. Played through a good chunk of the game. The writing for the "Scenes" is A-tier. it's apparent that the writer took a great deal of time and thought into describing the scenes and coming up with some very "interesting" things you can do with an aquatic based creature, the flow of the writing is very good. I'm admittedly a bit of a writing snob, and most of the times scrip based games are derivative. So consequentially they don't usually do anything for me. This isn't the case with this game. The game only feels slightly grindy if you don't read the "how to", and fumble through it like I originally did, and has a moderate level of replayability. There are instances that that present you with choices, and while not changing the overall story too much (in my experience so far) the decision leads to drastically different results for that instance and they dont really repeat in the course of the story, and I find myself wanting to go back and see how my other choices would've played out. Because sometime the game rewards you for being nice, and sometimes for naughty even if you're going down down a specific route you might miss something if you go hard into one route, encouraging you to deviate a bit. your relationship progresses caps with where you are in the story so it encourages you to actually take your time and go through the story, I'm really glad I took a chance on this game, I'd honestly recommend others give it a shot too. And I would be exited to see more works from this creator.
Glad I did include the "How to" segment then as it helped out. ^^ Different choices in any case can lead the different scenes mostly indeed. Overall there will be different Epilogues respectively to at least have some simple differences between the different bar values, but also for unlocking things, like the 3 Secret Scenes on the Lover Slut Route which do lead to a Hidden Ending.
The first secret, the Bodyjob Art, will be released in the new build which will drop in a few days/next week. Approximately. Bodyjob is getting close to completion and I still have a few Epilogue SFW pictures to make. It will be updated and announced when it is ready. =3
how to unlock the bar limited
You do that with unlocking Firewalls. You unlock Firewalls with the Explore button. You unlock the Explore button with Idle Chit Chat. So, first chat a bit and then progress. ^^
when i try and load it just says bye
Strange. I haven't heard about that problem yet, so sadly I can't help you. If the browser version is a bust, try the download version.
Will there be an option for a female Gomamon? Not that I don't appreciate an obedient little male Gomamon as much as the next guy, but I would really like the option for both. Very cute Gomamon by the way.
Thanks. Glad you like it. =3 As for your question.
It is not a possibility for this. Alone because the entire game text would need to be rewritten as well as art that would need to be done as well. Though after the game is done I will post the source file, so if anyone wants to do it, they could. ^^
will the new update appear?
It is a big one. As Bodyjob art takes a bit longer I decided to already implement the Finale/Epilogues. Means for me, several BGs need to be drawn as well as a few other things. So lots of work. Not sure I can manage it to the End of July, but it is something I will have to see. In any case I hope you will like the update once it is ready. ^^
Quite cute ^w^
I always try to go the most kind route in these things hehe. The harassment tab....feels agressive to me >w<
Alright I gotta edit this comment cause WOW did I post prematurely. This is an incredibly excellently written game with super sexy art and a lot of nuance! I love how the more time you bond with gomamon, the more you get comfortable with each other, and how can unlock new paths or cutscenes. Was so caught off guard when doing nothing lead to a cutscene because arrousal was high. Those kinds of secrets are awesome. Really can’t wait to see this project completed ^w^
Writing is completed and will be fully in with the next update. I am only doing some minor SFW art here and there to enhance the experience with it. Art itself will take a bit though as there is much to be illustrated. ^^ I wanted to have an update out last month, but looks like it might be the start of August until it is ready or later as I am waiting for some NSFW art as well.
In any case I am glad you enjoy it. The Arousal scene is a nice touch, albeit may it be one that is a pretty lonely scene as the Arousal stat isn't used for anything else. Something I probably should I have planned better in hindsight. Though the real heart piece of the game could be said to be the Hidden Scenes for the Lover Slut Route. Three in total and one before each Firewall. First one activated by not cumming inside Gomamon repeatedly and being a tad selfish. I tried to drop hints in Idle Chit Chat for those, but even those hints might be easily overlooked. I do hope you will have a lot of fun in the future with this game as well! =3
yeah I was wondering about that. I keep getting to the end where the text says something like “maybe if I saved him the first two times we’d be closer” or something. I’m a little confused. IS there a way to save him the first time?? Cause I couldn’t find it.
also there’s just comments about having a “heart to heart” and how I’m not as close as I could be. Also a little confused about that hint.
Just so we are clear, I have unlocked both “boy pounding pussy and boy pounding slit. Just curious if there’s other “secret scenes” you’re talking about.
The end, end? Red Firewall? Trying to save him counts too with the Elecmon and you need the two prior two scenes that need to be unlocked too. Well, that and you need to have reached the red Firewall to trigger the last one. A lot of conditions, but that is why it is the path to the Hidden Ending. ^^ Pounding Boypussy and Pounding Slit are normal scenes on the other hand that are unlocked without hints.
OH! Well...the plot thickens hahahaha
Thanks ^w^
i got bug : it doesn’t show the h-scenes
Many images are not drawn yet, as such there are many scenes without pictures sadly. It will be updated and filled with images with time.
ight thanks
game is good but images from sex are shown only the first time, idk if it's a bug or not, still very good game
Later ones are missing a few pics, so nothing is there yet. Only want to add pictures after i have the missing ones. ^^
Expect the next step
so great!
Looks like the next update took longer than expected. Take your time. I hope the game I'm most looking forward to has a great ending
* Google Translate
i'm a bit confused.
it says it's extracted the story the story and than it just hangs saying "Bye!"
And I am confused by your confusion. xD Problems with the Browser version? I think it says something like that? Strangely enough it doesn't work out for some people. An active VPN seems to cause troubles sometimes if that helps.
well i'm using which ever browser the desktop itch app uses, presumable that's some kind of chromium derivative (they almost all are) but i normally use firefox which is full up to date.
and i don't have a vpn, there really isn't much reason for me to have one because i run a website anyways so my IP address is kind of out there anyways.
Alright. Hope it works on Firefox better then. If I understood it right and the app is the one that causes trouble. ^^
is more pink "good" or "evil"???
Evil. Blue is Good. =3
how do you get special scenes
There are special conditions for those. Idle-Chit-Chat has hints to them, but there is one before passing each Firewall.
First one would be not cumming inside Gomamon in the Bonding Sex section Clawjob two times and once in Blowjob if I remember correctly.
Guessing the new update is taking a bit longer since it'll be July 1st tomorrow?
Missing Bodyjob Art still. So it will take indeed a bit longer. Hopefully everything is ready soon.
Game loads up, then crashes with an error and freezes on the main menu.
i have idea : when open the fire wall 3 you go with Gomamon to any where like he is home but you find impmon in way so you have to stay with Gomamon or impmon and who you go with him you can do every think . that all .
or make new game you with impmon
and thanks
That would be rather random. xD Wouldn't make sense to suddenly have a choice pop up at the very end, offering a Digimon that was never mentioned and seen before. So it would create issues. Not to say that Impmon isn't fuckable, because he is. =3
I got enough game ideas and don't think I will go for an Impmon game. Not to say, you or others can't do it. After this game is complete, with art an all, I will publish the source code, so everyone can use it as a template for whatever shenanigans that are desired. Replacing Gomamon with another Digimon included. Though the code might be a bit messy as I am an amateur, so can't say for sure how helpfull it would be. ^^
No scene written for the finale yet. So there is nothing at the moment. ^^ Will be changed after it is ready.
Will you be making an android port? I enjoyed the bit of gameplay you can get before crashing on the browser but it doesnt last much longer then 10 minutes.
I will look into it and try, but no promises.
good job, fun mini game
i have 2 questions, 1 is their a way to get the first love lock unlocked cause it doesnt seem like its letting me, 2 is their a way to save him from getting taken advantage of by the red digimon cause i kinda want to not let that happen
There is no way to fend off the Elecmon. You can only ignore the scene after failing to help him. The first Firewall and progress happens after you cum inside of him once. Before you can cum inside of him, you have to go back to the Firewall once more. And after you have cum inside of him you have to get back to the Firewall.
Can someone teach me how to run this in any emulator? Joiplay crashes for some reason using a android btw
i wonder if this avalaible in android
It is, but the textbox covers the whole screen, so it is hard to read sometimes.
But where do i get the android version though?
Basically, I play every day because I like this game too much
how i can open fire wall Lv 3 ? i try every think but nothing work . so what i have do for open it ?
Scenes aren't implemented it, though the last one would need 5 Human Essence if I remember it correctly. But like I said, no scene there, so it is no use yet.
okay so when this game updata ? i am very excited :)
and are there any game sex like that ?
Probably middle of June. Maybe a bit later. The scenes for the Finale aren't fully written yet and won't be ready for the next Update. Art for it won't be ready for it either as there will be many smut scenes for the Finale and Epilogues. So, it will all take time.
wow this is so hard work . thanks for this game <3 take your time :)
There hasn't been a new update yet. This build is many months old. Though I am sorry to hear you are having problems there. I have to say that I can't read that error message though. I hope that at least the browser version works for you.
I hope it works by now. I honestly am just confused by c: and d: and how that would influence a game. A new build is hopefully there soon. Only Bodyjob art is missing for the new build.