This scene in the last firewall encounter triggers if you have all 3 Special Scenes. That is the Hidden Lover Slut ending. I copy and pasted the explanation here. No need to type it out again after all. ^^
"You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^"
Like mentioned, for Bodyjob you need to first do the Clawjob and cum outside twice and then the Blowjob and cum outside once. Type a few times afterwards and the scene triggers automatically like the Arousal scenes do.
It will take a whole while until all the art is in the game. So the game will be updated whenever enough new art is there to do so. At the same time, I will put some time into the new game project as well. So neither project will be neglected. ^^
i got to the point where bad things happened to gomamon, was wondering if theres a route where it will only be you and him since i dont like that sort of stuff. seems you cant avoid which means its pointless for me to continue playing this right now which sucks
The Elecmon scene can be skipped, even if he cannot be saved in this one. But he can be saved in any other. So it is a one time thing to show the seriousness of the situation...or well also for smut purposes for people who like it. ^^
yeah but i know it happened, i like it when it feels like theres something special between the two characters and no one is interrupting that. the games good, i just dont like 3rd parties ruining what could have just been two people making progress together.
Technically, the two are making progress together. The Digimon you see on the way are merely roadblocks. So it is mostly just the player and Gomamon. Either way, not much I can do about it. A good game has antagonists after all. It helps to make things a bit more exciting. ^^ Maybe not much comfort for you, but it is how it is. I do hope you will still be able to enjoy the game.
So either you feel like NTR is important to the story, or you're too lazy to change it to where the game doesn't imply it happens when you skip it. As for the "A good game has NTR antagonists", Lith doesn't have it, yet it's 10x better than this.
You are being a bit rude here. This is my first game. I made a choice and then worked with it. Maybe it might have been better if this was avoidable, albeit that ship has sailed. Most people seem to be fine with it though, from what I can see.
The Elecmon event is mentioned in several dialogue options and I am not confident I can find every time I mention it, without having to read the entire doc to change it either. Lazy? Hardly, considering I will have to think of an alternative idea where you can avoid the scene, while also giving a choice where you cannot avoid it plus said story changes in the text
You think you can do better? Then do it. Either make your own game or wait until the game is finished. I will be releasing the game code then. Not because of your complaint, mind you, but because it was the plan from the start. I want to give people the opportunity to make changes how they see fit or use it as a framework for their own game.
I do want to ask this as I've seen images for it in the folders and IDK if they're placeholders for later builds. Is there a way to Digivolve Gomamon at this time?
Update: I was able to get him to Warp Digivolve in the lover's path
Are you planning on making another game like this?, there is a lack of games with non-humanoid creatures, a game with Eevee, Gatomon or any other cute popular creature would be awesome :3
I want to ask three things for this or the next project if could be possible: - Choose between female or male lover (I think for this one can't be possible). - Avoid completely the sex scenes with other creatures aside the MC. - More consistent artwork (I can volunteer for the next project artwork if you want).
Thanks for this project, I will follow you from now on.
Palmon Trainer is something in the future. Albeit I am more invested in going for a Sonic NSFW game now. A remake of a smut game from back in the day.
Anyway, to your points, changing lovers is too much work. Especially the bigger the game is. Also, you can avoid the Elecmon smut scene as in, skip it, albeit it will happen off-screen still. Regardless, it is dependent on the project. Also, can you give a link to your art? It is not always easy to make consistent art as you need an artist then that does it all. Main problem here, to try and find one that is dedicated enough. And because only one artist works on it, it makes things take longer. But like I said, would love to see what you can do first, so I can perhaps consider it. =3
I heard it works with JOIPLAY or something like that. Albeit, I did delete a Phone folder so that the web version could even be displayed here, because I had too many files for sadly. That might mess with it. It is nothing that I can change and this will be the last browser version too. At least on Like I said, file limit is exceeding right now.
Canon Ending? I think the "Hidden Lover Slut Ending" would be the Canon Ending in case I ever decided to continue this series, which I don't at this moment. There are many other projects after all that I plan to pursue. So it is best for you to assume that the game ended for now. Chances are there won't be a Sequel, unless many Patreons wish for it in the future.
It depends on how long the art takes, but also pondering on how I move things from here on out. This browser version? I can't do another one. I have a new build for my Patreons out this week that has the Hairjob (Second Arc) and a Drool scene (Explore right after the Elecmon scene) in it. And that one isn't fitting here. Too many files. Gomamon Trainer has gotten too big and the only Browser version that will work in the future is going to be on Newgrounds from the looks of it.
Anyway, I tried to shove the Patreon Build in here, mainly to see if it works. It doesn't. The next one will get some more scenes. I want at least one more or two before it is released. So, maybe a month from now or two. Like I said. All dependent on the time I get the art. I thank you for your interest in any case and hope you will like the future builds! =D
I do like it better if my games are free, seeing how I want free games myself. Though not like I could charge a price for it anyway as I use the Digimon IP. It is better to lay low because of that. ^^
Whenever I try to play on browser it says "Error: Script error. (See JavaScript console for details) And I can't interact with the game at all. What's going on?
I am sorry to hear that. In case you play on phone, it might not work, as I had to get the phone folder out, so that the file maximum wasn't reached for the browser version of the game and it could be placed here.
That you did. ^^ *Gives out headpats.* Thanks for the help. Will have to see if I can fix it in the browser version, seeing how little space I have left. Either way, it is rather unlucky that I forgot to define the gargling of nuts. I defined it now, but will think about uploading a new browser version or waiting for a bit.
How do I get the outfits? I’ve tried playing though the game again and haven’t found anything. Is there any prerequisite to get it, or any certain order of events I need to go through?
The last firewall encounter changes in a large way if you have all 3 Special Scenes. That is the Hidden Lover Slut ending. I copy and pasted the explanation here. No need to type it out again after all. ^^
"You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^"
yaaaaaaaaaaay i find it finally :) " hidden lover slut "
i try it 3 time you say but when i try what you say BEFOR i go to firewall and after i get full good bar i go to the firewall and click same time it work :D so i was think i do every think with the firewall hahahaha any way this game it is best game i play it <3
Okay so I have been following what you've said (cum outside twice from a clawjob and outside once from a blowjob) but every time I try doing a clawjob again, I don't get the new scenes. What are the chances of bodyjob happening?
No need to do Clawjob again. After you do it outside for the Blowjob, Gomamon should be mad at you. Unless you already are through he first Firewall. The Bodyjob scene is before the first Firewall is done. So you should be at 0 at the first Firewall and not having cum inside. After Goma is mad, tip a few times with your mouse in the base window to trigger the scene.
This is awesome! playing this little game was a lot of fun! the scenes were fun, the art is really good and the cute interactions are adorable ^^ also who did the music? its so good iv been listing to it a lot! this game also expresses my love for Gomamon, thank you for making this game. i love it!
missionary-music should be the name, I believe. Sadly, he is not answering to my PMs and seems to be inactive, as such I haven't been able to commission more tracks for the game.
darn i wish that wasn't the case, but i hope they respond at some point. It would be nice to hear more music from them. Either way thanks for making the game, I hope to see more added to it!
If you do Phone, that will be hard. I had to delete the phone folder, since 1000 files max is what is allowed for Browser games to work here. So this probably will be the last time I updated this browser build. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^
Sadly not. If the art was complete, the game would be complete. ^^ It will be filled up over time, but that will take a lot of time because of the many scenes.
Hey there. Problem was that only 1000 files were allowed for Browser and I did get over that number. It created problems for me. Problems I solved by deleting the "phone file". Any problems you are experiencing are probably due to this. I am sorry for the inconvenience. This is probably the last official browser build because of the limitation.
Maybe this is obvious and I should know. But, how do I download the new update but get to use my save files from before the update? Do I need to start over?
Technically, in Renpy games files are available for newer versions too. But if that isn't the case for any reason, there is also a Save folder in the game. Copy it from the old in the new version and you should have the saves available. ^^
I don't think anyone made a guide for it. ^^ I do drop hints in Idle Chit-Chat though. Only the first is complete as of now.
It goes like this for the first scene: You have to go for Clawjob. Cum Outside 2 times to unlock Blowjob. Then Cum Outside again and afterwards it will trigger if you click a few times. ^^
Let's see... Neutral Ending can count as one. Only the text is a tad different. Then Lover Slut and Slave Slut Endings. And a Hidden Lover Slut and a Hidden Slave Slut Ending. So 5 in total. ^^
Bodyjob is very special as it is a Special Scene. You have to go for Clawjob. Cum Outside 2 times to unlock Blowjob. Then Cum Outside again and afterwards it will trigger if you click a few times. ^^
← Return to game
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does anyone have any tips for getting gomamon to digivolve I'm having troubles achieving it
This scene in the last firewall encounter triggers if you have all 3 Special Scenes. That is the Hidden Lover Slut ending. I copy and pasted the explanation here. No need to type it out again after all. ^^
"You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^"
ahh okay thank you!
Die right now
So basically... you fuck to level up...
does anyone know how to get the bodyjob Scene
you need to shower gomamon 3 times for the first time in game
Like mentioned, for Bodyjob you need to first do the Clawjob and cum outside twice and then the Blowjob and cum outside once. Type a few times afterwards and the scene triggers automatically like the Arousal scenes do.
when scene where we fuck gomamon
their not in yet
damn script error
Why no android vversion?
You can play on joyplay.
thats fair, but joiplay crashes way more than apk versions, but its still not that bad only once every few hours on regular sized games
i think web version is broken haha
Error: Script error. (see JavaScript console for details)
it doesn’t really work on phones
so this game seems heavily inspired by My Very Own Lith, but with Digimon.
I did mention that in the description. So, yeah. ^^
The story of the game is gorgeous. ^^
hmmm so after updata to 0.62 you will don this game or there more updata ? i mean you will add every thing in 0.62 ? =)
and how are you ? i need see if you die or not XD
It will take a whole while until all the art is in the game. So the game will be updated whenever enough new art is there to do so. At the same time, I will put some time into the new game project as well. So neither project will be neglected. ^^
that cool thanks
i got to the point where bad things happened to gomamon, was wondering if theres a route where it will only be you and him since i dont like that sort of stuff. seems you cant avoid which means its pointless for me to continue playing this right now which sucks
The Elecmon scene can be skipped, even if he cannot be saved in this one. But he can be saved in any other. So it is a one time thing to show the seriousness of the situation...or well also for smut purposes for people who like it. ^^
yeah but i know it happened, i like it when it feels like theres something special between the two characters and no one is interrupting that. the games good, i just dont like 3rd parties ruining what could have just been two people making progress together.
Technically, the two are making progress together. The Digimon you see on the way are merely roadblocks. So it is mostly just the player and Gomamon. Either way, not much I can do about it. A good game has antagonists after all. It helps to make things a bit more exciting. ^^ Maybe not much comfort for you, but it is how it is. I do hope you will still be able to enjoy the game.
So either you feel like NTR is important to the story, or you're too lazy to change it to where the game doesn't imply it happens when you skip it. As for the "A good game has NTR antagonists", Lith doesn't have it, yet it's 10x better than this.
You are being a bit rude here. This is my first game. I made a choice and then worked with it. Maybe it might have been better if this was avoidable, albeit that ship has sailed. Most people seem to be fine with it though, from what I can see.
The Elecmon event is mentioned in several dialogue options and I am not confident I can find every time I mention it, without having to read the entire doc to change it either. Lazy? Hardly, considering I will have to think of an alternative idea where you can avoid the scene, while also giving a choice where you cannot avoid it plus said story changes in the text
You think you can do better? Then do it. Either make your own game or wait until the game is finished. I will be releasing the game code then. Not because of your complaint, mind you, but because it was the plan from the start. I want to give people the opportunity to make changes how they see fit or use it as a framework for their own game.
I do want to ask this as I've seen images for it in the folders and IDK if they're placeholders for later builds. Is there a way to Digivolve Gomamon at this time?
Update: I was able to get him to Warp Digivolve in the lover's path
Yup. It was the Secret path so to say. So not something everyone will get as it is harder to manage. But glad you did it. ^^
Are you planning on making another game like this?, there is a lack of games with non-humanoid creatures, a game with Eevee, Gatomon or any other cute popular creature would be awesome :3
I want to ask three things for this or the next project if could be possible:
- Choose between female or male lover (I think for this one can't be possible).
- Avoid completely the sex scenes with other creatures aside the MC.
- More consistent artwork (I can volunteer for the next project artwork if you want).
Thanks for this project, I will follow you from now on.
Palmon Trainer is something in the future. Albeit I am more invested in going for a Sonic NSFW game now. A remake of a smut game from back in the day.
Anyway, to your points, changing lovers is too much work. Especially the bigger the game is. Also, you can avoid the Elecmon smut scene as in, skip it, albeit it will happen off-screen still. Regardless, it is dependent on the project. Also, can you give a link to your art? It is not always easy to make consistent art as you need an artist then that does it all. Main problem here, to try and find one that is dedicated enough. And because only one artist works on it, it makes things take longer. But like I said, would love to see what you can do first, so I can perhaps consider it. =3
i need to know what you use for make this game ? and are you watch tutorils ?
The game is made in Renpy. I watched some tutorials, but also asked in the official Renpy Discord Group for help.
web version is broken
Show post...
Question? Have you managed to find the problem that caused it to not work on Android properly?
I heard it works with JOIPLAY or something like that. Albeit, I did delete a Phone folder so that the web version could even be displayed here, because I had too many files for sadly. That might mess with it. It is nothing that I can change and this will be the last browser version too. At least on Like I said, file limit is exceeding right now.
Show post...
Aight thanks for the info.
is the story ended, and do you hawe plans to some how continue it, maybe even in another game? and do game hawe canon ending?
The story ended. All that remains is the art.
Canon Ending? I think the "Hidden Lover Slut Ending" would be the Canon Ending in case I ever decided to continue this series, which I don't at this moment. There are many other projects after all that I plan to pursue. So it is best for you to assume that the game ended for now. Chances are there won't be a Sequel, unless many Patreons wish for it in the future.
ah i need jast ask , are you updata game all 2 or 3 month or no there any time for updat ? ( same time be 1 month and other be more 2 month ) .
for i am so Excited :)
It depends on how long the art takes, but also pondering on how I move things from here on out. This browser version? I can't do another one. I have a new build for my Patreons out this week that has the Hairjob (Second Arc) and a Drool scene (Explore right after the Elecmon scene) in it. And that one isn't fitting here. Too many files. Gomamon Trainer has gotten too big and the only Browser version that will work in the future is going to be on Newgrounds from the looks of it.
Anyway, I tried to shove the Patreon Build in here, mainly to see if it works. It doesn't. The next one will get some more scenes. I want at least one more or two before it is released. So, maybe a month from now or two. Like I said. All dependent on the time I get the art. I thank you for your interest in any case and hope you will like the future builds! =D
ooh okay np and thanks for you make this game free :)
I do like it better if my games are free, seeing how I want free games myself. Though not like I could charge a price for it anyway as I use the Digimon IP. It is better to lay low because of that. ^^
oh okay that so nice :D
Whenever I try to play on browser it says "Error: Script error. (See JavaScript console for details) And I can't interact with the game at all. What's going on?
Same! Idk, what's going on but it's slightly annoying...
I am sorry to hear that. In case you play on phone, it might not work, as I had to get the phone folder out, so that the file maximum wasn't reached for the browser version of the game and it could be placed here.
I'm not playing it on my phone, I'm on my Chromebook and in the chrome browser.
Strange. Maybe you could try it on a different browser then. Maybe your Chrome has problems of some sort.
Unfortunately it's still happening, I don't understand what's going on.
Are there any games with similar character designs, as in more animalistic furry?
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 15179, in script
if garglingnuts == True:
File "game/script.rpy", line 15179, in <module>
if garglingnuts == True:
NameError: name 'garglingnuts' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "game/script.rpy", line 15179, in script
if garglingnuts == True:
File "renpy/", line 1852, in execute
if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
File "renpy/", line 2249, in py_eval
return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
File "renpy/", line 2242, in py_eval_bytecode
return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/script.rpy", line 15179, in <module>
if garglingnuts == True:
NameError: name 'garglingnuts' is not defined
Gomamon Trainer Version_0.58
Sat Sep 3 13:46:59 2022
I am find a error.
That you did. ^^ *Gives out headpats.* Thanks for the help. Will have to see if I can fix it in the browser version, seeing how little space I have left. Either way, it is rather unlucky that I forgot to define the gargling of nuts. I defined it now, but will think about uploading a new browser version or waiting for a bit.
Absolute gem of a game, only one question-
How do I get the outfits? I’ve tried playing though the game again and haven’t found anything. Is there any prerequisite to get it, or any certain order of events I need to go through?
High bar as well as Naughty Talk. There is a conversation that gives him the outfit ideas. ^^
good job
WOW This game better game i see :) really i find 4 ending :D
1 - lover slut
2 - slave slut
3 - neutral end
4 - hidden slave slut
so i do not find the last end so how i find it ? what i have to do for find it the last end ???
The last firewall encounter changes in a large way if you have all 3 Special Scenes. That is the Hidden Lover Slut ending. I copy and pasted the explanation here. No need to type it out again after all. ^^
"You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^"
yaaaaaaaaaaay i find it finally :) " hidden lover slut "
i try it 3 time you say but when i try what you say BEFOR i go to firewall and after i get full good bar i go to the firewall and click same time it work :D so i was think i do every think with the firewall hahahaha any way this game it is best game i play it <3
Okay so I have been following what you've said (cum outside twice from a clawjob and outside once from a blowjob) but every time I try doing a clawjob again, I don't get the new scenes. What are the chances of bodyjob happening?
No need to do Clawjob again. After you do it outside for the Blowjob, Gomamon should be mad at you. Unless you already are through he first Firewall. The Bodyjob scene is before the first Firewall is done. So you should be at 0 at the first Firewall and not having cum inside. After Goma is mad, tip a few times with your mouse in the base window to trigger the scene.
Got it! hope we get more scenes like this in the future
This is awesome! playing this little game was a lot of fun! the scenes were fun, the art is really good and the cute interactions are adorable ^^ also who did the music? its so good iv been listing to it a lot! this game also expresses my love for Gomamon, thank you for making this game. i love it!
missionary-music should be the name, I believe. Sadly, he is not answering to my PMs and seems to be inactive, as such I haven't been able to commission more tracks for the game.
darn i wish that wasn't the case, but i hope they respond at some point. It would be nice to hear more music from them. Either way thanks for making the game, I hope to see more added to it!
If you do Phone, that will be hard. I had to delete the phone folder, since 1000 files max is what is allowed for Browser games to work here. So this probably will be the last time I updated this browser build. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
any tips on gettin the hidden lover slut I got all the others alread
You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^
Are the art are all Complete?
Sadly not. If the art was complete, the game would be complete. ^^ It will be filled up over time, but that will take a lot of time because of the many scenes.
I know this is said a lot, but will there be a mobile ver? It used to kinda work on mobile back then
Hey there. Problem was that only 1000 files were allowed for Browser and I did get over that number. It created problems for me. Problems I solved by deleting the "phone file". Any problems you are experiencing are probably due to this. I am sorry for the inconvenience. This is probably the last official browser build because of the limitation.
idk if it will work for you but im using a browser app from the app store called "puffin" plays the game just fine on the browser
Maybe this is obvious and I should know. But, how do I download the new update but get to use my save files from before the update? Do I need to start over?
Technically, in Renpy games files are available for newer versions too. But if that isn't the case for any reason, there is also a Save folder in the game. Copy it from the old in the new version and you should have the saves available. ^^
It's cute. I wish I had it in reality😍
I love this update so much, thank you for your efforts.🥰
Will be way to make him to dominate player?
There won't be. The writing in this game is as of now complete. I personally simply like it more to see Gomamon being dominated too. ^^
the dialog is really good and the artwork is pretty good too 10/10 will play again
edit: grammar
is there a guide on how to get the special sences >~<
I don't think anyone made a guide for it. ^^ I do drop hints in Idle Chit-Chat though. Only the first is complete as of now.
It goes like this for the first scene: You have to go for Clawjob. Cum Outside 2 times to unlock Blowjob. Then Cum Outside again and afterwards it will trigger if you click a few times. ^^
how many endings are there? Just curious
Let's see... Neutral Ending can count as one. Only the text is a tad different. Then Lover Slut and Slave Slut Endings. And a Hidden Lover Slut and a Hidden Slave Slut Ending. So 5 in total. ^^
Okay ^ ^
I've been trying to get the other new images to load but no dice (like the bodyjob scene). Do they only show up in specific areas?
Bodyjob is very special as it is a Special Scene. You have to go for Clawjob. Cum Outside 2 times to unlock Blowjob. Then Cum Outside again and afterwards it will trigger if you click a few times. ^^
As for some of the other newer scenes (if there are any)?