Patreon is Online!

It took a bit to get it on and running, but Patreon should work now. There will be three simple tiers. $1 lets you on the Discord Server where you can build early builds with smaller improvements, as well as see what my plans are each week.

$3.10 lets you in on polls too, when they happen. There are no polls planned in the near future sadly as all is already set for Gomamon Trainer.

$5 lets you see sketches. I have just created a channel for it and will start filling it up this week and the coming weeks with the sketches from the scenes.

Currently if you sign up now, you will only pay at the first of the month, so I guess you could say you have a free month. I had an interest in the option to have Patreons pay immediately, seeing how the art is expensive and I would love to start making coin as soon as I can, but if I enabled that option, I could never again disable it. A bit of a weird choice from Patreon, so for now and the next few months at the very least (maybe even forever) payment will only be done at the beginning of the month.

I hope for your support which would help me ease the monetary burden of such a project. It is not a must, but I do hope it will help me at least pay the art bills for this year. ^^ No matter which way you want to support me, I am grateful for it.

Also shoutout to the one dude/gal who donated me  a few dollars. I thank you for your help! =D

You can find my Patreon here.

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(1 edit)

Why does the $1 tier have sales tax? Surely access to a Discord server is not a taxable thing (especially since I can’t even use it since I refuse to link my Discord account to Patreon)

That is probably just me not noticing the Sales Tax was activated. I am in the Tier you have right now, albeit there only stands and explanation to the Sales Tax and that it is optional, nothing to put a cross in to activate it.

Edit: Sales Tax can only be marked if there are at least two benefits listed which there aren't in the First Tier as I just found out. Are you sure there is a Sales Tax activated? If so I will have to message Patreon and ask about it. Anyway, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Just double checked and yeah it’s showing a $0.10 sales tax charge.

I will ask Patreon about it then and come back to you. Luckily you won't be charged until February so that problem should be able to get solved.

Thanks a bunch man :) you’re like, the first patreon creator I’ve talked to about this tax issue that actually cares about it. Everyone just ignores me usually XD (and then loses my pledge)

Well, if there is an issue it is important to look into it, I would say. ^^ So that is what I do. I am only starting Patreon now, so I am new to it and am not sure how things work yet. Maybe the tax is normal, or maybe it is an issue that can be addressed. I already sent a message to Patreon and will come back to you once I have a response.

Alright. Seemingly Behind-the-Scenes Content (which is the category I put the Discord Access in) is taxed in your country, meaning that is why the Discord Access has that Sales Tax. I changed the category to Community. Please check to see if the problem is solved.