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When will version 7.4 be released?


Hopefully by the end of March there will be a new version. Depends all on how long it takes for the new art to be made. ^^


No es por ser obvio pero en la serie gomamon es técnicamente un juvenil o niño


Technically, the MC is not an adult either. I think he is a year older than Joey? At least if I recall what I have written correctly. Not that it matters. We are all here for the fun. ^^

honestly age should be optional like you can type what ever number you like, so people won't assume plus that a bonus fetish age-play. I also suggest looking for artists on sites like e621 or reddit because there some good furry artist there as well.


No es por ser obvio pero esto es un juego ficticio que no tiene consecuencias en la vida real y también gomamon tiene como 5000 años si recuerdas en la serie cuando crearon la conecion de los digimons con los digi elegidos un tiempo despues el tiempo empezó a correr mucho mas rapido en el digimundo y pasaron como 5000 hasta que se volvieron a ver, por eso era tambien que cuando los digi elegidos salían y volvían a entrar del digimundo pasaban meses.

eso lo sabemos pero me refiero a los que hacen seguimiento en patreon o al menos quienes programaron a los bots


are there plans for an android version/apk?

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The description says that when the game is finished, then a version on will be planned  Android / apk.


oh neat thx


Until then, you can play it through an app called Joiplay


oh! will check it out. thank you. i think i've heard of it


Would be cool if the little guy would be evolving from feeding him...and then have a big guy to mess around with...opens a whole lot more possibilities then! ;-)


Well, not quite how it will go, buuuuut there is a moment in the game where you can get him big. =3 Not that there are any smut scenes for it yet though. At least no art was done for it yet. The game is still in development.

I see a lot of people already asked but what happened to your patreon? I hope you didn't just take money and run off...

(4 edits) (+1)

it definitely must have been because of the new patreon rules, recently they are taking down a lot of patreons with NSFW content, I just hope this doesn't discourage him from continuing to develop the game


The writing is done. No way, no how I will stop this game or give up on game development. I simply am going to set things up on SubscribeStar. I anticipated Patreon to take me down, albeit I expected that to happen far off in the future. It is quite sad how idiotic their rules are. They basically told me, they own my ass off-site too and took me down if I don't adhere to their rules outside of Patreon, which is ridiculous. Patreon can burn, just how they are burning their creators.


Patreon nuked me. Underage content off-site is a so-called violation. Either old MLP fics, pics or even pics on my Discord Server could have been the reason. I cannot say for sure. I will set up a SubscribeStar.

As a side note, I have put a lot more money in than what I have received. So I am in the red with the game, so there is no money with which I can run off with. xD


Can I ask why the Patreon went down? I know sometimes they take down support for NSFW works... I hope everything is okay!

Underage content outside of Patreon is a so-called violation. Maybe some old MLP fics or pics? Or maybe the Cream game I showed things off on my Discord? I cannot rightfully say. SubscribeStar is something I will have to set up for now.


what happened to your patreon?

Patreon nuked my Patreon. Off-site activity is moderated, meaning anything underage, like my future Cream game which I kept off Patreon was a so-called violation too. Or maybe it were some of my old MLP fics? Or some old MLP pics I drew? I cannot rightfully say. I just know Patreon is over and I am working to activate SubscribeStar.


So I noticed from your patreon page that version 0.71 was released Jan 17. Im just wondering when that will be available to the public since the last update was  9 ish months ago.  I heard youre busy with other projects/irl stuff, just need some kinda announcement for us non patreon subscribers that the game is still being worked on. Thanks

Seems I overlooked you. That was a Patreon-Only build. There is not much content in it, aside from the Title Screen images and a Gallery mode and some music. It is a bit of an in-between build. I only release public builds when I have enough content. April should work out.


When this game release the next version


Question Do you plan to add straight content? I do not know how to add the choice of gender of gomamon or the protagonist?

Well, Gomagender is quite something. Implementing that would mean a lot of work and it would be straight up hard to do with one artist that had retired, so editing would need to be done on images and there would be a whole lot of rewrites as Gomamon looking like a girl to the MC is a big plot point.

In short, I won't be doing it sadly. The game is ambitious enough as is, but the game is open, so if you or anyone else wants to do a Gomagirl version, you are free to do so. ^^


Unfortunately I could only help in writing as I have no artist material,my strongest points are providing ideas and writing.but when it came to drawing I failed.

No pressure. Like I said, if you want to make something like this, you can, but if you cannot do it, you don't have to. If you still feel like doing it, you could assemble a team that could help you out. I just wanted to explain why I am not able to implement it.


when is the game gonna be completed

Art takes time, hence I imagine it might still take up to 2 years for it. But the writing is done and we got some nice art in it already.


May i ask the requirement for all the ending? And how many are there? I got 3 at the moment. Thanks you, the game was great!


Good, Neutral, Bad Ending is with the gauge only, so I assume you got those. And the rest I copy in, because writing it out every time can be tiresome. xD


Secret Slave Slut Ending is very easy to achieve. Basically full "Evil" gauge and you get a choice after Digitamamon struggle-snuggled Gomamon. Huh, thought unlocking the punk outfit was also needed, but seemingly not as I just checked. So, that makes it even easier. I mean, the other one is a lot harder in comparison.

And here a short explanation I copied in from when I explained the Secret Lover Slut Ending to someone else:

"You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^"


ohhhhh! That explained, i go through the third firewall before the third scene, thanks you!


are some visual scenes missing like the molest, kissing and sexual belly rub?

Yes. The game is still incomplete after all.


HOW can I unlock the theory of strings thing


And the fingerfucking thing

Fingerfucking is in Explore, so progress the story for that. Bodyjob is something you do directly after the Elecmon scene. When Bonding Sex is unlocked, you do Clawjob and cum outside (two times I think) which unlocks Blowjob. Then cum outside and Gomamon is angry. On the screen with the many buttons click a few times then and the scene will trigger.


What is the new update going to be about is it just adding more art or are we going to get any more new scenes

There are countless scenes without art, so that is the priority. And the writing is done, so there won't be more. But a Gallery function will be there to look at the images with the next update, along with an updated title screen and some art.


That great one question though what version are we going to cuz this sounds like a pretty big update actually

You are simply getting the updated one. I already have one out with Gallery and Titlescreen for my Patreons and the next one with the Titlescreen, Gallery and new art will be out for everyone. Generally speaking, Patreons do get smaller updates too, while I wait to have more for the public releases. ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

This game looks amazing! I hope that once the meter has been fully implemented it will change certain scenes depending on how far along the meter it is. Like being good makes him more lovey-dovey towards you and being evil makes him start calling you “master” and developing an unspoken resentment towards you. Would be pretty cool if something like that was implemented, albeit extremely hard to implement I’d imagine.

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It would be hard to implement. The artist for Facefuck isn't there anymore to work on the game, but they did more than enough for the game. Though there are already changes to the scenes. When more are unlocked thanks to the meter, the dialogue is different just like some images.


how do you unlock the locks

Idle Chit Chat unlocks Explore which is the story segment. Just go through it and you will progress. ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

Bro this game so Amazing I totally Love it, Hope it get update for again cause I' ve Been waiting for so long for this game. <3 also do you have any community? Cause I love to join in. 


There will probably be an update in February. And I got a Discord Server, but it is a private one for Patreons. Considering I plan to have games with young characters too, it feels necessary, to be a bit more private.

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Dude, if you create a "trainer" style game with "young" characters, I'll sign up for Patreon in the same second lol >then please let us know somewhere public when this happens

When I got enough of a game to show I will, but that will still take time.


Well that is true, and I totally agree with tht. But I can't pay to be Patreon cause I dont have a card or a card number. Is there a possible way to pay without a card? 

Paypal works as far as I know.


ok thank you <3

February ...

Well, Blowjob (3rd Arc) is done, but I need one more scene for the next update. So, March it is. Sadly, I am a bit preoccupied with Patreon too. They nuked my side, so I have to look into getting SubscribeStar launched.


hi i need ask is there any update i miss this game ;-;

February might be a new update. Just gotta wait and see when the art is done.


yay okay i will wait and take your time and good luok :)

When a APK version for android?


Error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'shaderSource' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': parameter 1 is not of type 'WebGLShader'. (see JavaScript console for details)

Yep, I'm still dumb for trying play it in Brave app browser on android(I disabled the Brave Shield) #waitingforandroidversionsomaday



when will the update be available


When more art is ready. I would say that the next build should be out in February.


Thanks for answering, I just thought the project was abandoned.


This is a wonderfully made game, but I have a complaint, you see Gomamon is a dynamic character that changes with the player's actions but the character we play does not, though the evil path does make him more sadistic, he himself is a very flat character, mostly only showing amorous and happy emotions. Though this may be intended, I know in a lot of games like this, the main character is ambiguous so that the player can put themselves in their position. Though I know this is rather a core issue I have, and it being this late in development this will probably not change. Also, one other small thing is that I was a bit disappointed that I could only kiss at will in the evil run. I know, chances are, nothing I have said will have mattered but I figured I might as well give my notes based on this still being in development.


The more cheerful nature of the MC is indeed intended. And he does show moments of weakness, sadness and pain in the Lover Slut route, though it is something that is something one can mostly see in the secret scenes that help develop his character. I wanted to make him flawed, but still likable in a sense.

And yup. Kiss is only an option for forcing kisses on him. There are kisses in the lover path, albeit indeed not something to be chosen. That part has already quite a lot of scenes, so I would not add to it. Generally, I did have the Kiss action there as a forceful thing, because this game does lean on MVOL (My Very Own Lilith), seeing how it is heavily inspired by it.

Either way, I thank you for your opinion on the matter. I tend to write more cheerful characters and I know, I gotta try something else for my next games, lest I only write the same character over and over again.


can you save gomamon from the first r#p# scene




can you make an .apk version for android

I was just thinking the same thing to be honest

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Is there a way to download and replace certain pics? ;)

Well, you can download the game and go into the images folder. Then replace any pics you like. It would be quite easy. If you are extra adventurous you can tinker around with the code as well, changing dialogue with Renpy. I personally don't mind. My only goal is that people enjoy my game in whatever way they want. =3


Just trying to update it with the *ahem* menus

So replacing the GUI? Maybe I understand it wrong, but it can all be found after you download it, so knock yourself out. ^^

Kinda talking about the new menu art you made lol


Im really hope an Android version come out soon!!!😣


i really hope theres going to be another game there making is going to fun and i hope theres going to be another update coming to this game. i can't wait. because this is a really good story


It'd be really nice if there was some sort of log that showed your path to the ending you go or something like that, so a player can kinda figure out if one choice will lead them to a different ending or if it's inconsequential. 

An interesting idea, albeit the game is a bit too simple for it to work. You get a Neutral, Lover Slut and Slave Slut Ending determined by the Good/Evil bar. Then there are two Secret Endings that have special conditions, so it isn't choice related which makes this idea less applicable.


hmm why don't you get any more updates?


The updates take time man, be patient.


personally if they are going for how YVOL was, they practically already did all they need to. (I am saying this as a person who played this game like, 5 months ago, think it was pretty great and practically done. I assume they've done more by now and I might check it out soon but idk.

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According to Patreon, it's more like they've been done writing for it a long time ago.
Last time I checked they're focused on music and art.

Well... that and a Sonic game I don't know much about.


There is indeed a Sonic game (a remake of a certain game) that I want to make, albeit I keep that under wraps until I actually have something worthwhile. No use if I publicly make an announcement right now.

And yes, music and art is being done. Art depends on how much time the artists have which was less time lately. So I use the time I have for a Gallery function right now.




shut. You saw the game and clicked on it now live with your decision and leave.


I am going through the slave route and during the "ruin" part, I came across something strange. "#show ruin 1-4 with mdissolve" is written like the normal text of the game, except it clearly isn't.


Ah. Seems like I have that put in "" by accident. # is the sign that makes the writing not show in game. "show ruin 1-4 with mdissolve" is game code that is not yet applicable as the art has yet to be made. I gotta remove the "" signs so it doesn't show up in game. Thank you for catching that mistake! =D


how do i even play this

You basically talk until more options (especially Explore) are available. Maybe not the best way for me to have gone about it in hindsight. I basically wanted to make the player have some interactions first, but because of that and the other buttons appearing before Explore, some people miss to unlock Explore as they abandon Idle Chit-Chat early.


Somehow the game doesn't Start because of an error


it wont let the game start could you optimize it please so it will actually start on browser


im getting an error when i try to load the game.

Deleted 1 year ago

There is no name for it. The main song is from Missionary-music, albeit they aren't active anymore, sadly. So most songs are from a different composer.


there are only 4 endings?


first playthrough of the lover slut ending  a very fun game 

error? what happen i wanna play this game this is my favorite and why most error

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